Durian Black Sticky Rice... Durian Ketan Item In this recipe I use "montong" durian which is a variety that is most widely available in Thailand, and it's also the only variety I see at Asian grocery stores here. There are so many choicies available, but what I like best is the one with durian and cheese. Thai Dessert: Sticky Rice With Durian , Find Complete Details about Thai Dessert: Sticky Rice With Durian,Sticky Rice Durian Thai Dessert from Other Food & Beverage Supplier or Manufacturer-Ganesh Intertrade Co., Ltd.

Bahan Membuat Durian Black Sticky Rice... Durian Ketan Item

  1. Bahan A.
  2. 2 cup ketan item.
  3. 1 sdt garam.
  4. 1 daun salam.
  5. 5 sdm coconut milk.
  6. Air secukupnya seperti memasak nasi di rice cooker.
  7. Bahan B.
  8. Buah durian secukupnya.

Langkah Memasak Durian Black Sticky Rice... Durian Ketan Item

  1. Cuci bersih ketan item. Rendam selama kurang lebih 1 jam..
  2. Buang air rendaman. Masukkan ke rice cooker, tambahkan daun pandan dan garam. Tekan tombol on..
  3. 20 menit kemudian, aduk ketan item dgn spatula, tambahkan coconut milk. Aduk sampai rata. Tutup lagi. Tunggu sampai matang..
  4. Begitu matang, aduk lagi... Biarkan uap keluar. Biarkan dingin..
  5. Siap dinikmati dengan buah Durian....

Sticky rice with mango or durian is a common street food in Thailand during the fruit season. It's normally served on a white Styrofoam tray with To make sticky rice, you need to purchase rice labeled "sticky rice" or "glutinous rice" from your local Asian store. Regular short grain or long grain. Tabloidbintang.com Nasi ketan campur durian, seperti apa rasanya? Bagi Anda penyuka durian Resep Durian Sticky Rice ini wajib dicoba.

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