Makanan khas indonesia diolah ala barat. However, one must consider various factors before choosing to follow it. The GM Diet Plan is focused on ensuring the consumption of complex carbs, along with low-calorie foods.
Bahan Membuat Steak tempe (GM Day 5)
- steak:.
- 4 buah tempe tipis.
- 2 siung bawang putih.
- secukupnya penyedap rasa.
- secukupnya merica.
- secukupnya tepung terigu.
- saos:.
- 1/2 sachet saos tiram (saori).
- secukupnya saos sambal.
- secukupnya saos tomat.
- secukupnya merica.
- secukupnya air.
- 1 siung bawang merah (iris).
- 1 siung bawang putih (iris).
- tomat potong dadu (tidak pakai tidak apa2).
- secukupnya gula pasir.
Langkah Memasak Steak tempe (GM Day 5)
- Kukus tempe sampai matang..
- Haluskan bawang putih, haluskan tempe Kukus..
- Campur merica, penyedap rasa, dan tepung, aduk..
- Panaskan sedikit minyak dan margarin pada teflon, masak steak hingga matang..
- Cara membuat saos: tumis bawang merah dam bawang putih hingga harus, masukkan semua bahan saos, masak hingga mengental..
- Tuang saos di atas steak, beri potongan tomat. Steak siap disajikan..
GM Diet is very popular all over the world for the fact that it leads to very fast weight loss. There comes a time in the life of every overweight person, when they are ready to follow any hardship to lose some quick kgs. Following this steak grilling guide and comprehensive tips, you can grill perfect steak like a Pro every time. You will learn what's the Ideal steak cooking temperature, how to temp steak accurately, and useful steak cooking techniques. Anda penggemar tempe tapi jemu dengan tempe goreng atau sambal?
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