Menu Diet 3 (steak tempe) A gout diet menu plan will contain plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy with occasional additions of a few other foods. The first focus of a gout diet plan is purine restriction, so cutting out or severely limiting consumption of most animal products particularly fatty fish, red meat. Residual Heat or Carry-Over Cooking: Remember, the steak will continue to cook as it sets.

Bahan Membuat Menu Diet 3 (steak tempe)

  1. Bahan steak tempe.
  2. 1 papan tempe (kukus).
  3. 2 sendok tepung terigu.
  4. 1 sendok tepung sajiku.
  5. 1 sendok kecap manis (biar ada rasa).
  6. Lada putih.
  7. Bahan tumis jagung.
  8. 1 buah jagung manis.
  9. 3 siung bawang putih.
  10. 1/2 sendok saos tiram.
  11. Super sedikit garam.

Langkah Memasak Menu Diet 3 (steak tempe)

  1. Pertama, campur tempe yang sudah di kukus tadi dengan tepung terigu dan tepung sajiku (aduk sampai tempe halus) lalu beri kecap manis dan lada bubuk ).
  2. Laluu bentuk seperti patty 🙋🏻‍♀️, kalau sudah bisa di goreng dengan minyak yang super dikit dan api kecil..
  3. Untuk jagung, tumis bawang putih lallu masukkan jagung dan sedikit air. Tumis tumis dengan api kecil sampai jagung empuk. Beri saos tiram dan sedikit garam.. tunggu sampai air menyusut Lalu angkat dan sajikan🥳 (btw ku masak jagung ga pake minyak yah).

It is always wise to measure your portions carefully and calculate calorie intake for your specific food items and brands. The DASH diet features menus with plenty of vegetables, fruits and low-fat dairy products, as well as whole grains, fish, poultry and nuts. Maybe you want to try the DASH diet but aren't quite sure how to incorporate DASH into. However, the diet recommends against exercise during the first three days. It also allows followers to consume two to three bowls of "GM Wonder Soup" each day.

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