Chawan mushi Chawanmushi's flavor comes mainly from Dashi, soy sauce, and mirin, and even though Chawanmushi is a savory dish, the texture is similar to egg flan. I have been looking for chawan mushi recipe and never got it correct. This is the first time i made it right.

Bahan Membuat Chawan mushi

  1. 300 ml kaldu ayam dari rebusan ayam, dinginkan.
  2. 2 butir telur, kocok lepas.
  3. 1 buah jamur hioko, rendam sampai lembut. Iris tipis.
  4. 1 sdm kecap asin.
  5. secukupnya Garam.
  6. Merica.
  7. Daun bawang, ambil hijaunya saja, diiris tipis.

Langkah Memasak Chawan mushi

  1. Daging ayam yg sudah direbus, potong kotak kotak dan tata di dasar mangkuk keramik.
  2. Kocok kaldu dan telur hingga rata. Beri garam dan merica secukupnya. Saring di dalam mangkuk.
  3. Beri taburan daun bawang dan irisan jamur hioko..
  4. Kukus selama 30 menit dengan api kecil...
  5. .

Chawanmushi, silky smooth savoury egg custard. Delicately flavoured, sophisticated and classic Japanese dish. Recipe with step by step photos and a video. Chawan-mushi is one of the few Japanese dishes eaten with both chopsticks and a spoon. Even though the egg completely sets in steaming, the stock and juices released from various ingredients make the dish a little soupy.

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