Cawan mushi Try not to aerate the eggs too much. Chawanmushi (Savory Egg Custard/茶碗蒸し) is a delicate and savory Japanese appetizer that we are familiar with. It is prepared by steaming egg with dashi stock in a small dainty Japanese teacup and filled with ingredients such as chicken, prawns, kamaboko, mushrooms, and mitsuba.

Bahan Membuat Cawan mushi

  1. 1 butir telur.
  2. 100 ml air.
  3. 1/4 sdt garam.
  4. 1/2 sdt kecap asin.
  5. 1 sdt maggi cair seasoning.

Langkah Memasak Cawan mushi

  1. Pecahkan telur ke dlm mangkuk, aduk perlahan sampai rata.
  2. Masukkan garam, kecap asin dan maggi seasoning. Aduk kembali sampai rata, perlahan, jangan sampai berbusa.
  3. Masukkan ke dalam cawan/gelas sambil disaring.
  4. Kukus dengan api sedang, dengan tutup sedikit dibuka agar teksturnya tidak berubah.

Let the sediment settle, then pour the clear dashi into a large measuring cup; rinse out the bowl. Chawanmushi (茶碗蒸し) is a silky smooth Japanese steamed egg custard that was originally served as a type of soup. This is why it has a very high ratio of soup stock to egg, and the custard usually has a variety of seafood, mushrooms, and vegetables cooked together with it. Chawanmushi's flavor comes mainly from Dashi, soy sauce and mirin, and even though Chawanmushi is a savory dish, the texture is similar to egg flan. Chawanmushi is relatively simple to make, so it is a home cooking dish, too.

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