A simple, savory egg custard, this versatile hero of the Japanese kitchen is easier to make than an omelet and just as customizable. Chawanmushi is the appetiser that often served in Kaiseki ryori. The egg is mixed with dash based savoury flavour then steamed with small Sweet custard is commonly made with just egg, cream or milk and sugar.
Bahan Membuat Chawanmushi a.k.a Japanese steamed savoury egg custard
- 2 butir Telur ayam.
- 300 ml Air kaldu (bebas, mis: kaldu ayam,daging,udang).
- 1 sdt Kecap asin.
Langkah Memasak Chawanmushi a.k.a Japanese steamed savoury egg custard
- Campur Air kaldu+kecap asin. Aduk rata,sisihkan..
- Kocok telur perlahan dengan sumpit,asal rata saja jangan sampai berbusa& bergelembung (supaya hasilnya mulus)..
- Campurkan air kaldu ke kocokan telur,aduk rata..
- Saring agar kotoran& lendir pada telur tidak ikut supaya hasilnya bersih..
- Masukkan ke cangkir atau Chawanmushi bowl..
- Kukus kurleb selama 15-20 menit dengan api sedang-cenderung kecil. Lapisi tutup kukusan dengan serbet supaya air tidak menetes. Setelah 8 menitan atau ketika bagian atas set, Saya taburi/hias bagian atas chawanmushi dengan irisan daun bawang/seledri,supaya tampilannya menarik😃..
- Angkat dan sajikan. Enak disantap saat hangat😍.
- Teksturnya lembuttt,silky banget..dijamin ketagihan. Hayuk..dicoba bikin yaa😊.
It is a type of egg custard, but not sweet. You might find it at sushi restaurants or a little more formal Japanese restaurants in Japan. Chawanmushi's flavor comes mainly from Dashi, soy sauce and mirin, and even though Chawanmushi is a savory dish, the. Steamed egg is not a strange dish to me, yet I cooked this with reference to a cookbook, Masterclass in Japanese Cooking, trying to follow a Japanese chef In addition to eggs, another key ingredient in making this flavorful custard is a stock called dashi, typically boiled from dried konbu and dried bonito. Next time you're craving Japanese food, from sushi to noodles to curry and beyond, stay home and make it yourself!
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