Chawanmushi (Savory Egg Custard/θΆη’θΈγ) is a delicate and savory Japanese appetizer that we are familiar with. It is prepared by steaming egg with dashi stock in a small dainty Japanese teacup and filled with ingredients such as chicken, prawns, kamaboko, mushrooms, and mitsuba. Although Chawanmushi is a fairly simple dish, the common failure in making it gives a porous and spongy texture.
Bahan Membuat Chawanmushi
- 3 butir telur ayam.
- 250 ml Air.
- 5 gr Serbuk Marutomo/Dashi Stock Powder.
- 1 Sdt Kikkoman Soy Sauce.
- 1/8 set Garam (Secukupnya).
- 4 Keping Fish cake.
- 1 Batang crab stick.
- 30 gr Jamur Bunashimeji.
- 1 Batang Daun Bawang.
- 30 gr wortel di bentuk bunga.
- π Garnish.
- Fish cake.
- Daun ketumbar.
- Wortel.
- Jamur Bunashimeji.
Langkah Memasak Chawanmushi
- Siapkan semua Bahan-bahan.
- Larutkan Dashi Stock Powder Kedalam Air,aduk rata. Kocok telur perlahan. Kemudian Campurkan telur dengan air larutan Dashi Stock Powder, Aduk sampai rata. Masukan Soy Sauce..
- Masukan juga Garam Halus,aduk perlahan sampai tercampur rata.kemudian saring..
- Masukan kedalam remekin/ cetakan tahan panas,crab stick,jamur Bunashimeji, irisan daun bawang, Tuangkan adonan telur, tambahkan wortel dan fish cake. Tutup dengan aluminium foil..
- Kukus Chawanmushi selama 15 Menit dengan api sedang..
- Angkat Letakan Garnish Dan Sajikan Hangat. Selamat mencoba dan semoga bermanfaat π.
In a medium bowl, whisk the dashi powder into the warm water until it is dissolved. Let the sediment settle, then pour the clear dashi into a large measuring cup; rinse out the bowl. Chawanmushi (θΆη’θΈγ) is a silky smooth Japanese steamed egg custard that was originally served as a type of soup. This is why it has a very high ratio of soup stock to egg, and the custard usually has a variety of seafood, mushrooms, and vegetables cooked together with it. Chawanmushi's flavor comes mainly from Dashi, soy sauce, and mirin, and even though Chawanmushi is a savory dish, the texture is similar to egg flan.
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