Nasi liwet / nasi gurih / nasi uduk rice cooker Different regions seem to have different spices and herbs to make nasi gurih. There are versions that have many different spices and herbs and have more complex flavor. Nasi Uduk is an Indonesian style steamed rice dish originally from Jakarta, Indonesia's capital.

Bahan Membuat Nasi liwet / nasi gurih / nasi uduk rice cooker

  1. 400 gr beras, cuci bersih.
  2. 1 bks kecil santan instan (65ml).
  3. 500-600 ml air.
  4. 1/2 sdt garam.
  5. 1/2 sdt ketumbar bubuk.
  6. 1 batang serai.
  7. 3 helai daun jeruk.
  8. 3 helai daun salam.
  9. Taburan :.
  10. Sesuai selera Teri, cabe, pete semua digoreng.

Langkah Memasak Nasi liwet / nasi gurih / nasi uduk rice cooker

  1. Semua bahan dicampur dan aduk rata, masak dgn ricecooker sampai matang. Aduk sesekali aja..
  2. Taburannya : Teri medan Cabe rawit Pete Semua digoreng lalu tabur diatasnya..

Rasanya cenderung gurih mirip nasi uduk. Nasi gurih is an Indonesian steamed rice cooked in coconut milk and spices dish originally from Aceh, Indonesia. Nasi gurih literally means "succulent rice" in Aceh language and Indonesian. The name describes the rich taste of rice cooked with coconut milk and spices. Ulek bawang putih dan bawang merah sampai halus.

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