The only ingredients the recipe calls for are soy sauce, chicken stock, KFC original recipe chicken, and. We are, of course, talking about the divine process of steeping KFC Original Recipe chicken with rice, soy sauce and chicken broth in a rice cooker. Cook 'em all together and the result is Devil Cooked.
Bahan Membuat KFC chicken rice
- 1 pc KFC original (Saya dada).
- 1 cup beras.
- Air.
- Kecap asin.
- Garam, lada bubuk, saos sambal, bon cabe.
Langkah Memasak KFC chicken rice
- Siapkan KFC original, cuci beras, tiriskan, masukan ke rice cooker. Tambahkan air seperti biasa. Masukan ayam goreng dan 2 sdm kecap asin. Tutup rice cooker, klik "cook." Saya pake rice cooker mini. Ayam yg bisa masuk pas 1 potong..
- Tunggu 10 menit setelah rice cooker berubah ke mode "warm", baru di buka. Angkat ayam, suwir suwir ayam menggunakan garpu..
- Masukan kembali suwiran ayam ke rice cooker. Taburi garam dan lada bubuk. Aduk rata, Cicipi, koreksi rasa. Tutup kembali rice cooker. Biarkan dlm mode "warm" selama 10 menit, baru buka dan siap dinikmati..
- Pindahkan ke piring. Nikmati panas panas. Rasanya mirip nasi hainan. Nikmati dg krupuk dan saos sambal atau sambal boncabe. Lumayan dg biaya sedikit, bisa jadi nasi yg enak. Untuk 2x makan..
KFC style fried chicken recipe, how to make crispy fried chicken in KFC style at home. With time and experience we get better in cooking, day after day and this is what happened with me. Your KFC favourites are just a click away. Have them delivered right to your doorstep. Celebrate international fried chicken day together.
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