Brownies rice cooker Remove (by lifting the parchment out) and allow to set completely before cutting into bars and serving. Line the bottom with parchment paper. Remove insert from slow cooker and run a knife around edge to loosen brownies.

Bahan Membuat Brownies rice cooker

  1. 2 btr telur.
  2. 5 sdm gula pasir.
  3. 6 sdm terigu (ayak).
  4. 2 sachet SKM coklat.
  5. 2,5 sdm mentega (lelehkan).
  6. 2 sdm coklat bubuk (ayak).

Langkah Memasak Brownies rice cooker

  1. Kocok telur dan gula pasir sampai berbusa dan gula larut.
  2. Masukkan terigu sedikit demi sedikit, aduk hingga tercampur rata.
  3. Masukkan coklat bubuk, SKM, dan mentega aduk rata.
  4. Siapkan wadah rice cooker, lumurin wadah dengan mentega hingga rata dan taburi dengan terigu sedikit.
  5. Masukkan adonan, panggang di rice cooker 30-40 menit (cek kematangan).

Rice cookers are great for quickly preparing dishes, either for a single meal or for a week's worth, but figuring out how to use the time-saving appliance can be tricky, especially. For the gooiest brownies every time, try making them in a slow cooker - the crockpot's mellow heat means it's much harder to overcook them. Turn off slow cooker and open the lid. See recipes for Tips : Perfect steamed rice without using fancy Japanese rice cooker too. Masak brownies instan menggunakan rice cooker.

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