Banana Cake In Rice Cooker, Upside Down Pineapple Cake In Rice Cooker, Rice Cooker Pumpkin Cake. Rice Cooker Herbed Rice A Fresh Legacy. In a medium bowl, combine cream cheese, egg yolk, and pancake mix, whisk using a hand mixer until fully combined.
Bahan Membuat Cake simpel rice cooker
- Tepung terigu (saya pke kompas).
- 3 biji Telur.
- Gula pasir (sesuai selera ya bun).
- 1 sdm margarin (saya pke blue band, di lelehkan di wajan).
- 1 sdm pasta coklat.
- 1 sdt baking powder.
Langkah Memasak Cake simpel rice cooker
- Mixer telur,gula dg kcpatan tinggi smpe putih mengembang.
- Klo udh mengembang,masukan tepungx (saya pke 14 sdm mujung) mixer dg kecpatn rendah aj sampe adonan rata.
- Lalu masukkan margarin yg udh di lelehkan(o ya bun lelehkanx jgn smpe jadi minyak ya agak keruh aj) mixer lgi smpe trcmpur rata dg kcpatan rendah.
- Setelah itu masukkan pasta coklatx,mixer lgi smpe trcmpur rata, terakhir masukkan baking powderx di aduk aj ya bun smpe rata ga ush di mixer.
- Oles margarin dlm panci rice cooker, taburi dgn tepung biar ga lengket, masukkan adonanx lalu tekan masak sambil di lihat ya bun, trus klo msi blum masak rice cookx trun tekan lgi rice cookx tusuk2 dg tsuk gigi yg bersih klo udh ga lengket brarti udh matang, angkat sajikn dg teh, kopi atau susu eemmmmm uenakkkk hehehe.
Basically, that's all you need to make quite a few things. Cake is finished when a toothpick comes out clean from edges and center of cake. To remove the cake put flat plate on the top the rice cooker bowl and invert bowl in a smooth motion. Today I'm going to show you how I make an easy cake using the rice cooker. The texture of the cake will not be exactly the same as those you make in the oven.
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