They're more dense than their oven-baked counterparts, and Make rice cooker brownies, of course! Cook brown rice on the white rice setting and you'll get better rice in nearly half the time. Brown rice, however, tends to come out a bit mushy and overcooked.
Bahan Membuat Brownies nutricake rice cooker
- 1 bungkus brownies nutricake.
- 1 butir telur ayam.
- 1 bungkus oreo vanilla kecil.
- 1 bungkus keju parut ukuran kecil.
- 5 sdm air putih.
- 5 sdm mentega cair (aku pake blueband serba guna).
Langkah Memasak Brownies nutricake rice cooker
- Pisahkan oreo dengan vanillanya dulu ya, terus biskuit oreo yang udah dipisah, dijadikan bubuk oreo.
- Masukkan brownies nutricake, telur, air putih, mentega cair, dan vanilla oreo tadi, aduk rata tanpa mixer.
- Olesi bagian dalam rice cooker dengan mentega agar adonan tidak lengket yuhuuu, lalu masukkan adonan kedalamnya.
- Next, masukkan ke dalam rice cooker, lalu tekan CETEK ehe, ulangi penyetekan ini sebanyak 4 kali agar adonan benar benar matang. Oh iya, Ketika udah cetekan ke-2, aku masukin parutan keju dan bubuk biskuit oreo ehe.
- TARAAAA WELL DONE!! Nah, sekarang tinggal dicicipi dan alhamdulillah penilaian juri (alias keluarga) bilangnya enak ehe walau bahannya low budget anak kos semua XD silahkan dicoba! Semoga pada suka ya 🤗.
If not, don't give up - you can still cook brown rice, just keep following my directions below. Your rice cooker will most likely turn off, so keep and eye on it and re-start it as needed. The pancake is done when it's domed and a toothpick comes Flip the rice cooker bowl onto a plate. A this point you can either: top it with whipped cream and fruit and then slice it or you can slice it and then top with. See great recipes for Rice Cake (Lontong) with Rice Cooker too!
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