Cake Kukus Chocolatos Rice Cooker Do you love to bake or want to learn how to bake but you don't have space to put an oven in your kitchen? Resep mudah membuat brownies chocolatos dengan rice cooker / magic com sangat mudah, murah dan sangat gampang ditiru, kita hanya membutuhkan bahan-bahan ini. To remove the cake put flat plate on the top the rice cooker bowl and invert bowl in a smooth motion.

Bahan Membuat Cake Kukus Chocolatos Rice Cooker

  1. 1 Butir Telur.
  2. 1 Sdm Gula Pasir.
  3. 2,5 Sdm Tepung Terigu.
  4. Topping Keju Cheddar Parut.
  5. 1 Bungkus Chocolatos Drink.
  6. Margarin Blueband (cairkan terlebih dahulu/bisa diganti minyak).

Langkah Memasak Cake Kukus Chocolatos Rice Cooker

  1. Kocok telur bersama gula pasir.
  2. Kemudian masukkan tepung terigu dan aduk lagi.
  3. Masukkan mentega cair dan aduk lagi.
  4. Masukkan 1 sachet chocolatos drink lalu aduk hingga halus.
  5. Kemudian masukkan adonan kedalam cetakan yang sudah diolesi mentega atau minyak.
  6. Kukus didalam rice cooker dengan kukusan ricecooker.
  7. Kemudian tiriskan dan taburin dengan parutan keju cheddar.

See great recipes for Rice Cake (Lontong) with Rice Cooker too! An easy and delicious Chocolate Rice Krispie Cake recipe. Always a children's classic, chocolate rice krispie cakes are easy to make and always a favourite.. This chocolate rice cooker cake is a simple recipe made in a standard rice cooker and couldn't be easier. If you have an advanced rice cooker you can choose the cake selection.

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