Membuat nasi tim dengan menggunakan rice cooker sehingga membuatnya tidak membutuhkan waktu lama namun rasanya Resep dan Cara Membuat Nasi Tim Ayam Jamur Menggunakan Rice Cooker. The rice cooker delivers perfect rice every time, no matter what kind of rice you're cooking. This rice cooker operates via the micro-computerized (MICOM) fuzzy logic technology installed in the unit.
Bahan Membuat Ayam rice cooker
- 3-4 potong ayam.
- 4 cup Nasi.
- 2 sdm soy sauce.
- bubuk cabe (sesuai selera).
- 1 tangkai daun bawang.
- 1 sdm bubuk ketumbar.
- 2 sdt merica bubuk.
- 1 sdm garam.
- 1 lembar daun salam.
- rosemary kering (optional).
- thyme kering (optional).
Langkah Memasak Ayam rice cooker
- Siapkan beras seperti kayak mau masak nasi aja, slice ayam agar bumbu meresap masuk, taro..
- Kaldu jamur, ketumbar, boncabe masukin..
- Soy sauce, bay leave, rosemary, dan bumbu2laennya mashok..
- Tutup rice cookernya, ceklekin biar masak, tunggu mateng dan cium wanginya serumah2 beuh....
Transfer to a rice cooker, pour in chicken stock and season with salt if needed. Dish and serve with fried chicken drizzled in chili sauce and a side of chicken soup. Rice cookers can also vary somewhat, even between models of the same brand. Start with this basic ratio and the technique we give here, and adjust based on your experience with your personal rice. Lihat juga resep Nasi Ayam Hainan Magic Com enak lainnya!
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