KFC Rice Cooker Cue the Japanese method of cooking KFC chicken with rice, or what The simple recipe calls for soy sauce, chicken stock, KFC original recipe chicken, uncooked rice, and one (or more) human(s). As the recipe to cook fried chicken from the American fast-food chain became viral earlier this month, spreading like the flu from Japan to the world, many have been trying their hands on it. The ingredients for KFC rice are probably lying around your kitchen right now.

Bahan Membuat KFC Rice Cooker

  1. Step 1 persiapan sebelum nasi matang.
  2. 2 gelas belimbing beras.
  3. 2 sdm penyedap rasa (royko ayam).
  4. 2 sdm kecap asin.
  5. 1 sdm minyak wijen (boleh skip).
  6. 3 ptg ayam kfc.
  7. Sesuai selera merica bubuk (aku pakai 1/2 sdt).
  8. Step 2 Setelah matang.
  9. 2 sdm kecap asin.
  10. Secukupnya biji wijen (boleh skip).
  11. Air.

Langkah Memasak KFC Rice Cooker

  1. Siapkan seluruh bahan agar tidak ada yg terlewat, bersihkan beras...
  2. Masukan semua bahan, penyedap rasa, kecap asin, minyak wijen dan merica. Aduk rata...
  3. Masukan 3 potongan ayam diatasnya, masak di rice cooker seperti biasa.. tunggu hingga matang (air 1 ruas jari).
  4. Buka tutupan rice cooker, aduk dan hancurkan ayam sesuai selera (lebih baik buang tulangnya.
  5. Lanjutkan step 2, tambahkan 2 sdm kecap asin, aduk lagi hingga rata. Kemudian tutup rice cooker dan tekan lg cook tunggu hingga matang.
  6. Buka tutup rice cooker, taburi biji wijen diatasnya, angkat, sajikan.
  7. Selamat mencoba 😊.

All you need to do is submerge the fried chicken with uncooked rice, water, soy sauce, and chicken stock. The formula is simple: rice + KFC original fried chicken + soy sauce + chicken stock, all in a rice cooker. When the rice is cooked, the already-cooked chicken will be extra moist. Tried the chicken rice cooker dish and it's pretty damn good. Used Popeyes and overall I think the chicken, biscuits and mash/gravy are better at KFC, but the mac and cheese is better at popeyes.

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