Mie Goreng (or Mee Goreng) is an Indonesian noodle dish that's also found in Malaysia and other parts of South East Asia. With a sticky, savoury sweet sauce, noodles are tossed with chicken. Mulai dari resep mie goreng Jawa spesial, mie goreng seafood ala restoran Chinese food, sampai mie goreng Aceh lengkap.
Bahan Membuat Mie goreng babat & telur lumer
- 1 bks mie goreng instan.
- 1 btr telur.
- 50 gr babat goreng.
- Secukupnya keju cheddar parut.
- Secukupnya saus sambal.
Langkah Memasak Mie goreng babat & telur lumer
- Pisahkan mie dan bumbu. Masak mie slama 2-3mnt. Taruh bumbu di atas piring.
- Tiriskan mie. Ceplok telur di air rebusan sisa mie selama 2 mnt agar kuningnya setengah matang.
- Tuang mi di piring. Tambahkan telur dan babat goreng.
- Taburi keju dan beri saus sambal secukupnya.
- Taraaa.. Jd deh Mie instan sehat 😁 jgn lupa recook yaa😚.
Mie goreng is an easy dish that will please everyone in the family. Chewy egg noodles in a The common threads that run through all variations of mie goreng is that the noodles are WHEAT noodles. Mie goreng / mee goreng is popular food from the street all the way to restaurants. It's popular in I'm sharing the Indonesian version of Mie Goreng Jawa. There are many variations for mie goreng Jawa.
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