Put bananas, butter and sugar in a mixer and mix until smooth. For some rice cookers will be about two cycles. When banana bread has completed cooking, let cool in rice cooker and then turn out onto a plate and serve.
Bahan Membuat Banana pie no mixer no oven(rice cooker)
- 2 butir telur.
- 3 buah pisang.
- 6 sdm minyak goreng.
- 5 sdm brown sugar/gula putih.
- 1/2 sdt soda kue.
- 6 sdm tepung terigu /tepung raisin.
- 1/4 sdt vanili (boleh skip).
- Sedikit garam.
- Mentega.
Langkah Memasak Banana pie no mixer no oven(rice cooker)
- Lumatkan pisang dengan garpu, kocok telur dengan,brown sugar,garam,vanili,dan soda kue,kocok sampai semua bahan tercampur,ayak tepung terigu di atas adonan telur, aduk2 sampai merata, masukan minyak goreng dan aduk2 lagi sampai semua bahan tercampur dengan rata..
- Olesi panci rice cooker dengan mentega, masukan adonan kue ke dalam panci rice cooker..
- Pencet tombol masak nasi,tunggu sampai matang angkat dan keluarkan,sajikan di atas piring dan potong.#selamat mencoba.
Just like baking a cake in an oven, there are ways to improve your chances at baking a perfect cake in a. It's a dessert in a rice cooker! Bored and got nothing to do on a winter night? Try this Rice Cooker Banana Cake recipe in your rice cooker! You'll never know how wonderful a rice cooker is until you try this!
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