Mini pizza rice cooker They can also be used to make different grains, like quinoa and. Rice Cooker Crawfish Tails "This was my first time cooking something other than rice in my rice cooker; it turned out really good! I added the green onion right before serving." - Bill.

Bahan Membuat Mini pizza rice cooker

  1. Bahan Dough :.
  2. 200 gr tepung terigu.
  3. 1 sdt ragi (fermipan).
  4. 1 sdm susu bubuk putih.
  5. 1 sdt garam.
  6. 1 gelas cangkir air hangat kuku.
  7. 1 sdm minyak goreng.
  8. 1 sdm mentega/margarin.
  9. 1 bh telur.
  10. Bahan Topping :.
  11. Sauce bolognaise.
  12. Jamur champignon (potong2).
  13. Bawang bombay (potong2).
  14. Keju parut / mozzarella.

Langkah Memasak Mini pizza rice cooker

  1. Ampur air hangat dgn ragi. Aduk hingga berbusa..
  2. Masukkan tepung terigu, susu, minyak goreng, telur, garam lalu campurkan air ragi. Uleni hingga kalis. Jika sdh kalis sisihkan. Tutup wadah pake kain hingga adonan mengembang ato brubah teksturnya. Tunggu kira2 kurleb 2- 3 jam..
  3. Siapkan loyang ato wadah rice cooker olesi dgn margarin terlebih dahulu..
  4. Masukan adonan dough bentuk sperti pizza. Tusuk2 tengah adonan menggunakan garpu..
  5. Masukkan sauce bolognaisenya..
  6. Atur topping lainnya jamur & bawang bombay ditutup dgn keju parut ato mozzarella..
  7. Tekan tombol cook pada rice cooker. Nah pada saat dimasak ini saat sdh tanda warm. Ulangi tekan tombol cook hingga 3x ya.

Once the button release, put the flatten pizza dough to cook. Press cook twice to cook the dough. Once cook remove from the rice cooker, and flip over. Mix the balance of cream cheese with yogurt and. The Cuckoo Electric Heating Rice Cooker cooks up to three cups of uncooked rice.

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