Whether you want a meal quickly, you're throwing a party, or you've just got friends round to watch the game, pizza fits the bill every time. Most Americans certainly think so, with pizza being America's fourth most popular food choice and the average American enjoying twenty-three pounds of it every year. The mobile pizza kitchen, S&J Woodfired Pizza is a moving pizza oven that turns out some of the best pies in the whole state.
Bahan Membuat PiZza magicom 40 mnt
- 200 gr cakra kembar.
- Biang : 1 sdt ragi. 2 sdm gula putih. 150 ml air hangat.
- 1/2 sdt garam.
- 3 sdm minyak goreng tuang dikit dikit...
- Toping :.
- Sosis.
- Bawang bombay.
- Keju.
Langkah Memasak PiZza magicom 40 mnt
- Campur tepung dan biang. Aduk menggunakan mixer. Note : biangnya bener bemer bergelembung ya bunda.....
- Uleni sampai setengah kalos..masukin garam dan minyak goreng sedokit sedikit sambil cek elastisnya....
- Tadinya saya mau 2 sdm minyak goreng bund..tapi kurang elastis...jadi saya tambahin 1 sdm. Alhamdulilah bs elastis..
- Adpnan di profing ya...sesuai dg suhu udara masing masing ga usah di jam in. Tadi saya lumayan lama karena suhu disini dingin..yg penting mengembang 2 kali lipat..
- Setelah memgembang kempiskan adonan. Ulen lg bentar...bagi dua yg satu di simpan ya...krn bs jadi 2 pizza. Adonan ditata di wadah magicom yg udah diolesin margarin. Lalu kadoh saps tomat buatan sendiri dan toping. Kau punya origanp malah lebih wenakkkk.....
- Setelah ditata...tutup magicom diamkan 1/2 jam dlu baru dinyalakan. Tadi saya stel waktunya 40 menit. Hasilnya..bawah cruncy..atas masih lembek...dan keju bs meleleh sempurna padahal pakai cheddar..
I have been coming here regularly for years. My favorite is the Canadian bacon. Costco pizza is probably one of the most recognized, and best loved, items sold at Costco. While most people know about Costco pizza b y the slice found at Costco food court many are surprised to find that you can actually order whole pizzas from Costco just like you would with many of the popular pizza chains. View menu and reviews for Mountain Mike's Pizza in Modesto, plus popular items & reviews.
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