Homemade bubble tea (boba milk tea) with tapioca pearls is so much better than store-bought. But the addition of chewy tapioca pearls (or boba) into any of these teas does nothing for me. Boba milk tea, often called bubble tea or tapioca milk tea, can include any number of added While milk and tea are certainly nutritious, boba milk tea also typically contains a large dose of added.
Bahan Membuat Boba Milk Tea
- Boba Pearl.
- Black tea (karena tidak punya, saya ganti dengan sariwangi).
- Susu ultra vanila (full cream).
- secukupnya Gula merah.
- Es batu.
Langkah Memasak Boba Milk Tea
- Didihkan boba pearl dengan gula merah. Takaran gula merah boleh disesuaikan dengan keinginan. Menurutku, lebih manis lebih enak, kalau gula merah agak banyak jadinya lebih kental. Untuk boba pearlnya yang sudah ready disajikan ya, bukan yang belum direbus. (Kalau mau mampir, resepnya juga sudah ku post.).
- Sambil gula dicairkan, seduh teh. Kalau aku warna tehnya agak sedikit gelap, tidak secerah teh untuk diminum sendiri..
- Jika gula sudah mendidih, matikan kompor..
- Siapkan gelas (bening lebih cantik tampilannya). Masukkan larutan gula merah plus boba di dasar gelas (kurang lebih 1/4 gelas), lalu teh (1/4 gelas), es batu, lalu susu cair (1/3 - 1/4 gelas). Semua ukurannya bisa disesuaikan selera ya..
- Boba milk tea telah siap..
The sweet and creamy bubble teas you buy in the stores are usually Make the bubble tea: Pour the prepared tea into a tall glass and add the boba. This boba milk tea cake consists of sweet black tea infused cake layers, milk tea buttercream, and warm brown sugar tapioca pearls. Boba, boba milk tea, bubble tea, pearl milk tea,. whatever you call it, it is a popular Taiwan-originated drink that I simply can't get enough of. In college, I usually rewarded myself after a. Bubble tea (Bubble Milk Tea or boba milk tea) is the most popular daily street drink in China especially among young girls.
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