This is a drink I fell in love with early on in life. It's sweetened milk tea with boba which are tapioca balls. Found this one online, I don't remember where but it is very good.
Bahan Membuat Bubble Milk Tea
- Tapioca Pearl.
- 5 sdm tepung tapioka.
- 3 sdm air panas.
- 3 tetes pewarna makanan hitam.
- Simple syrup.
- 12 sdm gula pasir.
- 12 sdm air mineral.
- Milk Tea.
- 3 kantong teh.
- Susu evaporasi (atau susu UHT full cream dingin).
- Air mineral.
- Es batu (opsional).
Langkah Memasak Bubble Milk Tea
- Tapioca Pearl : campur tepung tapioka dan air dalam wadah (hati-hati panas). Larutkan pewarna makanan dengan sedikit air, kemudian aduk dengan tepung. Setelah tercampur, bentuk bulatan-bulatan kecil, rebus dalam air mendidih sambil diaduk sesekali..
- Simple Syrup : rebus air dan gula pasir sampai gula larut. Dinginkan..
- Milk Tea : seduh teh dengan air panas sampai berwarna pekat. Atau bisa pakai teh hitam. Tunggu sampai dingin. Campur dengan susu evaporasi atau UHT full cream (bisa ditambahkan air mineral bila suka agak encer)..
- Penyelesaian : masukkan tapioca pearl dalam gelas, tambahkan simple syrup sesuai selera, es batu, kemudian milk tea. (me : tapioca pearl, simple syrup, dan milk tea masukkan ke botol, kemudian simpan dalam kulkas).
Perfectly refreshing and perfectly sweet, with the added chewy texture of boba pearls, this is a uniquely delicious drink that kids and adults can both enjoy! 🙂. Pearl milk tea, also called bubble milk tea, has risen to "rockstar" status in terms of popularity in many parts of Asia. Very chilled bubble tea: For an extra-chilly bubble tea, combine all the tea, milk, and/or juice, but not the boba in a cocktail shaker. Pour into a tall glass and add the boba. Heat the water on medium-high and cook until the water boils and the sugar completely dissolves.
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