Homemade bubble tea (boba milk tea) with tapioca pearls is so much better than store-bought. Now, don't get me wrong—I love my Asian milk teas, from lactose-rich Hong Kong lai chas, to foamy. This Bubble Milk Tea recipe combines tapioca pearls, sugar syprup, brewed tea, and milk to create a Combine the tea, ice, syrup, and milk in a blender or cocktail shaker; blend or shake until frothy.
Bahan Membuat Bubble milk tea
- 1 bungkus nutrijel coklat (30gr).
- 5 sdm tepung kanji.
- secukupnya skm (biar ga amis pakai merek carnation/cremer).
- 1 sdm gula halus (optional sih, pgn manis tinggal ditambah aja).
- teh hitam.
- es batu.
- 50 ml air panas.
- 150 ml air.
Langkah Memasak Bubble milk tea
- Campur nutrijel, kanji, gula jd satu, tambahkan sedikit demi sedikit air sambil diuleni sampai kalis.
- Panaskan air dalam panci.
- Buat adonan menjadi bulatan bulatan kecil, rebus sampai terapung.
- Tiriskan, rendam dalam air es biar ga menggumpal.
- Siapkan air panas, seduh teh, stelah warna teh sesui yg diingankan, tambahkan susu, aduk rata, tambahkan 150 ml air dan es batu, lalu masukkan bubble nya.
- #hasil bubblenya pahit coklat, kalau ingin manis tambahkan gula halus saat mencampur adonan tepung dan nutrijel.
Make the bubble tea: Pour the prepared tea into a tall glass and add the boba. Add milk for a creamy bubble tea, juice for a fruity tea, or leave plain and add a little extra water. The bubble tea cafe became my favorite place to hang out with friends after school. For me, bubble tea is not just a drink. It represents party time with friends, reunions with family, and celebrations of.
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