Bubble Pearl Bubble tea, Boba, Tea, Boba tea, Tapioca, Pearl tea, Tapioca pearls, Bubble tea equipment, training materials, business kits, gift packs and home/party kits wholesale suppliers. Boba tea is a highly customizable beverage, so there's no one way to make it. This basic bubble tea recipe can be tweaked to fit your taste.

Bahan Membuat Bubble Pearl

  1. 100 gram tepung kanji.
  2. 1 sdm coklat bubuk.
  3. 2 sdm gula halus.
  4. 1 bks nutrijell coklat.
  5. 80 ml air hangat.
  6. Pewarna hitam campuran dari ungu, merah tua, dan biru.
  7. 2 sdm kanji utk taburan/ secukupnya.

Langkah Memasak Bubble Pearl

  1. Campur tepung kanji, coklat bubuk, gula halus dan nutrijell coklat sambil diayak.
  2. Campur ke dlm air pewarna biru,merah tua dan ungu utk menghasilkn warna hitam kemudian aduk rata.
  3. Tuang air sedikit demi sedikit ke campuran tepung sambil diuleni sampai kalis dan bisa dibentuk.
  4. Bentuk bulatan sebsr kelereng/sesuai selera taruh dlm wadah yg sdh ada kanjinya tujuannya spy ga lengket satu sama lain.
  5. Setelah semua adonan selesai dibentuk dan berbalur kanji, saring atau diayak spy kanji tdk banyak yg menempel.
  6. Rebus air sampai mendidih kemudian masukan bulatan bubble, aduk sbntr pelan2 aja spy bubble tdk menempel di dasar panci, jika sdh mengapung tandanya sdh matang (sy tambah wkt 5 menit lg spy matangnya sempurna).
  7. Setelah matang angkat saring dan masukan dlm air matang dingin.
  8. Bubble pearl siap dikreasikan dgn minuman yg lezat dan segar.
  9. Selamat mencoba yaaa 💋💋.

Similar abilities One night in particular I had a craving for bubble tea (pearl milk tea, boba tea, taro, tapioca tea, the list is almost endless!) and I couldn't find the right instructable. Sure, there were plenty on milk tea and how to cook the pearls but none told me how to create this fabulous drink from scratch. Place tapioca flour or starch in a bowl. Place black food color in a separate bowl and add a tablespoon of hot water to the food color. Add the rest of the water directly to the tapioca flour and pour the colored water to the bowl as well.

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