Bubble milk tea Homemade bubble tea (boba milk tea) with tapioca pearls is so much better than store-bought. Now, don't get me wrong—I love my Asian milk teas, from lactose-rich Hong Kong lai chas, to foamy. This Bubble Milk Tea recipe combines tapioca pearls, sugar syprup, brewed tea, and milk to create a Combine the tea, ice, syrup, and milk in a blender or cocktail shaker; blend or shake until frothy.

Bahan Membuat Bubble milk tea

  1. 100 gr tepung tapioka.
  2. 2 tbsp tepung terigu.
  3. secukupnya air.
  4. klo mau hitam tambahkan gula merah yg warna nya pekat.

Langkah Memasak Bubble milk tea

  1. Campur tepung, masukkan air sdikit demi sedikit..
  2. Bentuk bulat2.
  3. Didihkan air, masukkan bubble. tunggu sampai bubble nya naik keatas, matikan api. lalu kukus bersamaan dgn air rebusan tp selama 30 mnt. setelah 30 mnit matikan api. biarkan 30 mnt dalam kukusan. keluarkan dan saring airnya. langsung cuci degn air dingin..
  4. Masukkan kedalam mangkuk dan kasih air es atau air dingin agar bubble tidak saling menempel..
  5. Untuk teh. rebus air. masukkan black tea dan gula merah. klo mau minum tambah kan susu fullcream. atau bisa pakai susu cair biasa tambahkan sdikit creamer..

Make the bubble tea: Pour the prepared tea into a tall glass and add the boba. Add milk for a creamy bubble tea, juice for a fruity tea, or leave plain and add a little extra water. The bubble tea cafe became my favorite place to hang out with friends after school. For me, bubble tea is not just a drink. It represents party time with friends, reunions with family, and celebrations of.

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