Tapioca balls are translucent spheres; a product of tapioca, a starch extracted from the cassava root. They are also known as boba (a transliteration of the. Similar to the Bossen tapioca Keep the boba in the simple syrup until assembly.
Bahan Membuat Pearl boba simple
- Bahan baku.
- 200 gr tepung sagu.
- 2 sdm palm sugar.
- 1 bks nutrijel cokelat.
- 5 tetes pewarna cokelat.
- 1 tetes pewarna hitam.
- 1/2 sdt Nescafé classic.
- 160 ml air hangat.
- Perendam boba.
- 200 ml air.
- 300 gr palm sugar.
Langkah Memasak Pearl boba simple
- Campur semua bahan baku tapi saat memberi airnya bertahap ya.
- Campur sampai adonan kalis seperti parafin atau bisa dibentuk.
- Bentuk bulat ukurannya sesuai selera ya, nah beri tepung sagu kurang lebih 50 gr untuk taburan supaya boba yg baru dibulatkan tidak menempel.
- Rebus boba yg sudah bulatkan sampai boba bewarna bening dan mengapung.
- Angkat boba lalu rendam kedalam air es supaya tidak menggumpal.
- Masak bahan perendam boba sampai mendidih lalu masukkan boba yg sudah diangkat dari air es.
- Boba siap disajikan.
Boba pearls has become a trending add ons for many beverages. They are so simple to make and I decided to make a how to make boba pearls at home recipe. Cooking tapioca pearls at home for bubble tea or boba. How do they make these boba pearls so delicious? If you've asked yourself this before, stay tuned!
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