Their cooked size is usually somewhere between a pea and a marble, and they're made with tapioca starch, which comes from the cassava root. They are also pretty flavorless, added to drinks and desserts solely for their. Make your own healthier tapioca pearls (boba) for bubble tea and enjoy it any time you want for a fraction of the cost.
Bahan Membuat Homemade Boba / Tapioca Pearl
- 100 gram tepung tapioka/tepung sagu.
- 1 sachet kopi hitam kemasan mini.
- 200 ml air panas.
- Pasta moka (bila suka, jika tidak suka boleh di skip).
- 1/2 batok gula merah.
- 3 sdm gula pasir.
- 1 sdm maizena dilarutkan dengan air.
Langkah Memasak Homemade Boba / Tapioca Pearl
- Campur semua bahan boba: tapioka, bubuk kopi, pasta moka dan air panas..
- Campur merata kemudian uleni sampai kalis..
- Rebus air hingga mendidih, setelah mendidih masukkan boba dan rebus sampai matang..
- Setelah matang angkat dan tiriskan..
- Untuk bahan kuah, didihkan air dan campur gula merah serta gula pasir. Kemudian setelah larut masukkan cairan tepung maizena..
- Masak boba dengan cara dicampurkan kedalam larutan kuah gula. Aduk hingga mengental..
- Setelah boba siap, bisa digunakan sebagai pelengkap minuman..
Paano Gumawa ng Home made Tapioca Pearls (Boba Pearls) para sa Milk Tea? Brown Sugar Just watch the video on how to do. Tapioca pearls are the little, chewy, translucent balls, usually made of tapioca and starch, that you find at the bottom of a boba drink. Sally makes her own by hand and they're just as adorable as her other treats. There are koala bear, frog and fish tapioca balls in playful black, white, green and blue colors.
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