Boba Milk Tea Homemade bubble tea (boba milk tea) with tapioca pearls is so much better than store-bought. But the addition of chewy tapioca pearls (or boba) into any of these teas does nothing for me. Boba milk tea, often called bubble tea or tapioca milk tea, can include any number of added While milk and tea are certainly nutritious, boba milk tea also typically contains a large dose of added.

Bahan Membuat Boba Milk Tea

  1. Tapioca pearls.
  2. 125 gr tepung tapioka.
  3. 10 gr cocoa powder.
  4. 60 gr brown sugar / coconut sugar.
  5. 5 gr tepung tapioka.
  6. 70 ml air.
  7. 50 ml air.
  8. 35 gr brown sugar / coconut sugar.
  9. Milk tea.
  10. 2 pc black tea.
  11. 100 ml air panas.
  12. 20 gr brown sugar / coconut sugar.
  13. 140 ml susu.

Langkah Memasak Boba Milk Tea

  1. Campurkan tempung tapioka dengan cocoa powder..
  2. Dalam pot, masak brown sugar, tepung tapioka (5g), air (70ml). Masak sampai mengental matikan api masukkan tepung tapioka yg sudah di campur cocoa powder. Aduk rata. Uleni dengan tangan..
  3. Bulatkan kecil kecil adonan,taburi tepung tapioka, masak dalam air mendidik (medium heat) 20 menit. Angkat lalu tutup pot diamkan selama 30 menit..
  4. Saring pearl, lalu masak dengan 50ml air dan 35 gr brown sugar, dengan api kecil selama 5 menit..
  5. Milk tea, buat teh black tea, 2 kantong black tea dengan 100ml air panas, tunggu 10 menit. Campurkan dengan 20 gram brown sugar..
  6. Masukkan 2/3 tbsp pearl dalam gelas, masukkan black tea, dan susu 140ml..

The sweet and creamy bubble teas you buy in the stores are usually Make the bubble tea: Pour the prepared tea into a tall glass and add the boba. This boba milk tea cake consists of sweet black tea infused cake layers, milk tea buttercream, and warm brown sugar tapioca pearls. Boba, boba milk tea, bubble tea, pearl milk tea,. whatever you call it, it is a popular Taiwan-originated drink that I simply can't get enough of. In college, I usually rewarded myself after a. Bubble tea (Bubble Milk Tea or boba milk tea) is the most popular daily street drink in China especially among young girls.

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