Dalgona coffee with boba And this no sugar keto dalgona coffee recipe. However, the drink is loaded with sugar, so today I'm showing you how to make Keto dalgona coffee! This is my go-to recipe, and it has no sugar!

Bahan Membuat Dalgona coffee with boba

  1. 2 bungkus Nescafe classic.
  2. 2 SDM gula palm.
  3. 2 SDM air panas.
  4. 200 ml Susu uht full cream.
  5. Es batu.
  6. Buat bobanya :.
  7. 5 SDM tepung tapioka.
  8. 5 tetes pewarna hitam.
  9. 1 SDM air.
  10. 2 SDM gula palm.

Langkah Memasak Dalgona coffee with boba

  1. Untuk foam coffe:Masukan kopi, gula, air panas lalu kocok sampai kental dan kaku.
  2. Bikin boba : aduk tepung tapioka, air dan pewarna sampai Kalis, lalu bulatkan kecil2, dan rebus sampai matang, dan siap dipakai.
  3. Tuang susu full cream dan es batu secukupnya ke gelas, beri Boba. lalu tuang foam nya dan taburi sedikit gula palm.
  4. Dalgona coffe siap dinikmati 🍺😋.

Minuman yang satu ini punya tampilan susu putih, dikombinasikan kopi kocok lembut atasnya. Dalgona coffee has four main ingredients: instant coffee, sugar, hot water and milk. These ingredients are made into two layers: milk and a dollop of thick, pudding-like coffee mixture that floats on top. Dalgona Coffee and Croffle… Boba is simply tapioca pears, nicely chewy texture and very fun to eat! You can use espresso or matcha green tea instead of black tea, would be very delicious!

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