Bubble or Black Pearl Clear boba is relatively tasteless on its own, which is why it's used in most milk-based bubble teas. The tapioca pearls are able to absorb the milk and flavor of the tea, thus becoming one with the flavor of your tea. Strawberry bubble tea. animated cocktail cup with a drinking straw. boba mascot with a heart shaped sunglasses holds a strawberry like a mic and shakes itself in the dance. pink pearl milk tea.

Bahan Membuat Bubble or Black Pearl

  1. 100 gr tepung tapioka.
  2. 2 sdm pasta cokelat.
  3. 1/4 sdt garam.
  4. secukupnya air panas.
  5. secukupnya air gula (campur 50gr gula + 200ml air hangat).

Langkah Memasak Bubble or Black Pearl

  1. Campur tepung tapioka dg garam, lalu masukkan air panas sedikit2, aduk2.. tambahkan pasta cokelat, lalu uleni hingga lembut dan kalis 😀.
  2. Lalu bentuk bulat2, letakkan di atas piring yg telah diberi tepung tapioka, agar tidak saling menempel...
  3. Masukkan bulatan2 bubble kedalam air mendidih, sambil trus di aduk agar bawahnya tidak menempel.. rebus hingga bubble mengapung, tandanya bubble sudah matang 😉.
  4. Angkat dan masukkan bubble kedalam air dingin.. lalu simpan bubble di dalam wadah yg berisi air gula.. 😊.

Ours are the same boba pearls as those used at gourmet pearl milk. Tapioca pearls are about the size of small marbles and have a distinctively chewy texture. The texture is very similar to Japanese mochi or gummy bears. A perfectly chewy and lightly sweetened tapioca pearl is essential for these customers to buy again. This is sometimes overlooked by businesses.

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