Black Akoya Pearls are also popular in the jewelry market, due to their colors. However, these are not naturally black but have been permanently irradiated or dyed to take on the dark pearl colors. Here at The Pearl Source, all of our black gems are high-quality cultured pearls.
Bahan Membuat Black Pearl
- 75 gr tepung tapioka.
- 1 sch nutrijel coklat kecil.
- sejumput garam.
- 50 ml air hangat.
- air untuk merebus.
- air matang untuk buble yg sudah matang.
Langkah Memasak Black Pearl
- Ayak tepung,nutrijel dan garam,tambahkan air hangat sedikit demi sedikit,uleni sampai bisa dibentuk dan tidak lengket.
- Pulung adonan,bentuk bulat kecil letakkan di tempat yg sudah diberi tepung tapioka biar tidak lengket.
- Setelah selesai rebus di air yg mendidih tunggu sampe mengambang dan warna mulai berkilau.
- Angkat,masukkan ditempat yg terisi air matang biar tidak lengket. Selamat mencoba 😊.
The only true black pearls are those found in Tahiti, known as Tahitian pearls. All others on the market have been dyed to obtain this color. As black pearls were typically worn by royalty and the upper echelons of society in the past,. We look forward to seeing you soon! We look forward to seeing you soon!
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