Bubble black pearl We specialize in a wide range of drinks that will satisfy your thirst. Black tapioca pearls make us bubble over with joy! Also known as boba, black tapioca pearls are the perfect "bubbles" in bubble tea.

Bahan Membuat Bubble black pearl

  1. 2 bungkus nutrijel coklat.
  2. 4 sendok makan tepung maizena.
  3. 2 sendok gula halus.
  4. secukupnya Air hangat.
  5. Air untuk merebus.

Langkah Memasak Bubble black pearl

  1. Taruh di wadah nutrijel, tepung maizena dan gula halus..
  2. Aduk sampai rata.
  3. Tuang air hangat sedikit demi sedikit sambil diaduk rata.
  4. Jika sudah kalis siap dibentuk bulat kecil2. Kira2 muat masuk sedotan yang jumbo.
  5. Taruh di tepung maizena biar tidak saling menempel.
  6. Didihkan air, kemudian masukkan bulatan tadi..
  7. Tunggu sampai mengapung Dan terpisah semua..
  8. Jika sudah buang airnya dan taruh lagi di wadah yang berisi air es..
  9. Siap dicampur dengan aneka minuman segar😆.

We have tapioca pearls, pudding jelly, grass jelly, ai-yu jelly, and Q balls for you to consider. It has become a weekly go to for my husband and I! Popcorn chicken is amazing, perfectly spiced, not soggy. My… One night in particular I had a craving for bubble tea (pearl milk tea, boba tea, taro, tapioca tea, the list is almost endless!) and I couldn't find the right instructable. Sure, there were plenty on milk tea and how to cook the pearls but none told me how to create this fabulous drink from scratch.

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