Black Pearl Bubble After that, throw out the heat water and then put into cool water. Boba tea, bubble tea, and pearl milk tea — in Taiwan, zhenzhu naicha (珍珠奶茶) — are Whatever you call it, in its most basic form, the drink consists of black tea, milk, ice, and chewy tapioca pearls. Sedia ada boss Boba pearl Sangat sedap pearl ni Blackpearl bubble. . .

Bahan Membuat Black Pearl Bubble

  1. 1 sachet nutrijell coklat besar (me : hanya pakai setengah).
  2. 2 sdm gula pasir.
  3. 7 sdm tepung tapioka.
  4. secukupnya Air panas.

Langkah Memasak Black Pearl Bubble

  1. Campur seemua bahan kecuali air --->> ini contohnya.
  2. Siapkan wadah terpisah dan taburkan tepung tapioka secukupnya.
  3. Masukan air panas perlahan2 sampai halus.
  4. Pilin bulat2 dan masukan ke wadah yg berisi tepung tapioka.
  5. Didihkan air dan masukan perlahan2 sampai mengapung.
  6. Saring dan masukan ke dalam wadah. Simpan di lemari es dan nikmati bersama thai tea, dll.

Iced Oolong Milk tea with boba/bubble drink. Tapioca black pearl for bubble tea. Get quick answers from Black Pearl Bubble Tea staff and past visitors. Note: your question will be posted publicly on the Questions & Answers page. Tapioca is the foundation for a bubble tea drink.

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