Biryani is a celebration of all that is great about Indian food - the heady aromas, the vibrant colours, the fluffy rice and those addictive curry flavours. Make this Chicken Biryani with your protein of. Biryani rice recipe or biryani chawal recipe - a mild flavored, aromatic rice dish usually served at Indian restaurants.
Bahan Membuat Briyani rice
- 1/2 liter beras.. ga da beras basmati. aku pke beras biasa aja.
- 1 kaleng ikan tuna.
- 10 potong daging ayam.
- 1 biji tomat (blender).
- 1/2 bawang bombay (cincang kasar).
- 3 bawang merah (cincang hlus).
- 2 bawang putih(cincang halus).
- 1 bungkus rempah2. sy pke rempah2 taiwan punya.
- 1 sdm kunyit bubuk.
- 1 btang sereh.
- 5 lmbar daun salam.
- garam.
- 1 bngks masako.
Langkah Memasak Briyani rice
- Rendam beras slma 30 mnit.
- Tumis bawang2n smpe harum... masukan tuna dan daging ayam....
- Tmbahkan tomat cair dan sereh * daun salam.
- Masuk bungkusan rempah2... * garam n masako.. kunyit..
- Tutup hingga air meresap..
- Tiriskan daging ayam. lalu oven slma 10 mnit biar aga kering n wangi.
- Campurkan bumbu k dalam beras aduk smpe rata. ingat jgn d kasih air y.... cukup air bumbu saja sdikit....
- Selamat mencoba.
- Nb. asinan sayur ada resep trsndiri ya.. buka aja cookpad sblmnya....
Chicken Biryani is a delicious savory rice dish that is loaded with spicy marinated chicken, caramelized onions, and flavorful saffron rice. For my Biryani, I simplify the order of operations, while retaining the. ยท Egg Biryani, Muttai Biryani, Mutta biryani, egg biryani recipe, how to make egg biryani in rice cooker, easy egg biryani, easy indian recipes, non veg recipes. Biryani is fragrant long-grained rice with meat or vegetables cooked in spices. This recipe calls for goat meat and traditional Indian seasoning. Malabar biryani: Traditionally made with kaima rice drizzled with ghee.
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