Nasi Briyani Rice Cooker Besides making the rice creamier, it also makes it fluffier. As I did not have any in hand, I opted for full fat milk instead. It worked just as well too.

Bahan Membuat Nasi Briyani Rice Cooker

  1. 1 bungkus kara kecil.
  2. 1 bungkus bumbu instan kare ind****.
  3. 4 kayu manis.
  4. 4 kapulaga.
  5. 2 bunga lawang.
  6. 8 cengkeh.
  7. 4 potong ayam (cincang).
  8. 1/4 beras.

Langkah Memasak Nasi Briyani Rice Cooker

  1. Tumis bumbu instan bersamaan dg rempah2 d atas hingga harum.
  2. Masukkan ayam yg sdh di cincang hingga berubah warna.
  3. Masukkan santan, tambahkan garam, masak hingga mendidih sambil d aduk lalu matikan.
  4. Masukkan ayam bumbu kare ke dalam rice cooker. Aduk2 dg berasnya. (Takaran airnya sama dg masak nasi sprti biasanya). Air disini di ganti dengan ayam kare.
  5. Masak beras hingga menjadi nasi.
  6. Nas briyani siap d sajikan.

For more Rice recipes you can check Chicken biryani in cooker Veg biryani in pressure cooker Egg biryani in pressure cooker Potato biryani. Nasi Briyani is a traditional Indian rice-based dish accompanied by meat, vegetables and a gravy or curry. The long grain basmati rice is cooked with garlic, yogurt, aromatic spices, onions and sometimes with ghee or a substitute for this unique butter. However, there are Malay variations of it as well. Nasi Goreng is the popular Indonesian fried rice which is traditionally served with a fried egg.

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