Bolu pop ice capucino Cocoa, cinnamon and nutmeg will awaken the fire beneath the ice. iced coffee. Divide the mixture among the molds. Learn how to make Cappuccino Ice Pops.

Bahan Membuat Bolu pop ice capucino

  1. 250 gram terigu segitiga.
  2. 250 gram gula pasir.
  3. 4 butir telur.
  4. 1 sdt sp.
  5. 2 sachet pop ice capucino.
  6. 1 sachet dancow coklat.
  7. 150 gram margarin.
  8. Topping.
  9. Meses coklat.

Langkah Memasak Bolu pop ice capucino

  1. Masukkn sp + gula + telur lalu mixer speed tinggi hingga soft peak.
  2. Masukkn trigu pelan2 smbil di mixer lalu masukn jg pop ice capucino + dancow coklat.
  3. Lanjutkn dg spatula aduk lipat lalu tuang margarinyg sudh dilelehkn sbelumnya. Aduk lipat sampai merata.
  4. Olesi loyang dg minyak/margarin lalu tuang adonan taburi topping. Oven kuranglebh 30-45menit trgantung oven masing2.
  5. Dan siap untuk disajikan. Selamat mencoba👌.

Bolu sakura capuccino, bulu kukus istimewa. rasa capuccino sangat terasa. Yuk, kita buat buat di rumah. Iced Cappuccino. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. Iced Cappuccino - Espresso, Latte, and Cappuccino recipes. A great classic, revisited to surprise your taste buds.

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