Here are reasons why steaming foods can be a healthy switch to your diet. Steaming vegetables is a healthy way of getting your daily dose of vitamins and minerals. It is one of the healthiest methods of cooking as it does not lead to any loss of nutrients, leaving the food with a higher vitamin and mineral.
Bahan Membuat Diet with steam food
- 2 buah kentang ukuran sedang yass.
- 100 gr udang kupas.
- secukupnya garam.
- jahe.
- bawang merah.
Langkah Memasak Diet with steam food
- Cuci bersih udang dan kentang sampai bersih.
- Panasin dandang yg udah di isi air sebelumnya.
- Sayat sedikit kentang biar gampang kupasnya nantii.
- Masukan udang kupas kedalam gelas atau mangkuk kecil masukan garam irisan bawang dan jahe cus langsung masukan kedalam dandang yg siap buat kukus ya.
- Kukus bareng kentang dan udah dalam satu dandang biar ngak ribet.
- Angkat dan sajikan pake saos sambel atau saos tomat.
- Harus diiringi pake workout juga setiap hari nya sepama program ya.
Thai food Steam cooker with vegetables. On a white background Steam cooked vegetables. On stainless steel steamer Steam Chicken with Rice topped with sweet soy sauce Hainan Chicken. Steamed vegetables — this is one of the easiest and quickest ways to get vegetables onto our plates. It's something we can do without needing to think about it too much or make too much effort.
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