Raw Soup 
Alpukat + Fennel Soup

Raw Food
(makanan full Enzim, Probiotik & Prebiotik) Latar belakang dari diet ini adalah proses pemanasan yang digunakan saat memasak makanan akan mengurangi kadar zat gizi dan enzim-enzim yang terdapat. With raw soup, you are achieving flavor, not by cooking for hours on a stovetop, but by breaking food down with a blender into purees and liquids with rich, pleasing tastes and textures. First of all, it is delicious and nutritious. -The New Glorious American Food by Christopher Idone and Tom Eckerle -Professional Cake Decorating, Second Edition by Toba M.

Bahan Membuat Raw Soup Alpukat + Fennel Soup Raw Food (makanan full Enzim, Probiotik & Prebiotik)

  1. 150 gram Alpukat.
  2. 120 gram Fennel.
  3. 350 gram Timun.
  4. 100 gram Zucchini.
  5. 2 Daun bawang.
  6. Bawang putih ukuran kecil 1 siung.
  7. 20 gram Bayam.
  8. 20 gram Daun ketumbar atau Daun dill atau Daun parsley.
  9. Batang seledri 1 batang.
  10. 150 ml Air.
  11. 30 ml Lemon/jeruk nipis.
  12. 1/2 sdt Garam himalaya.
  13. 1/4 sdt Jinten bubuk.
  14. Ketumbar biji 1/4 sdt.

Langkah Memasak Raw Soup Alpukat + Fennel Soup Raw Food (makanan full Enzim, Probiotik & Prebiotik)

  1. Cuci seledri, Timun, zucchini, fennel hingga bersih kalo tidak organik Rendam dengan air asam jawa selama 15 menit..
  2. Lalu potong potong dan masukan ke dalam blender semua bahan. Giling hingga halus.
  3. Masukan dalam wadah mangkok dan kasih topping sesuai selera. Saya pake paprika, Anggur dan yougurt.

Metode mengolahnya paling hanya sebatas memotong atau. Though different variations exist, traditionally, a raw egg is placed on top of the stew and mixed with the soup before serving to add additional flavor to the A common dish particularly during the summer, samgyetang is a traditional soup made of chicken, garlic, rice, scallion, Korean jujube, Korean. Magical Mushroom Soup is an Uncommon consumable item unlocked in Mushroom IV that allows players to fly on their Private Island. You can also use it on other player's islands; it works in the same way. Magical Mushroom Soup is obtained through crafting.

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