Zucchini simple salad This Zucchini Salad pairs well with practically any dish, or you can enjoy it just on its own. The dressing is simple and very tasty. It's made with Easy and basic Chinese style Zucchini salad is one of the best side dishes in summer when fresh and tender Zucchini is dominating on the market.

Bahan Membuat Zucchini simple salad

  1. 3 buah Zucchini.
  2. 2 sendok makan Keju Feta.
  3. secukupnya Garam.
  4. secukupnya Lada Hitam.
  5. 1 sendok teh Madu.
  6. 1 sendok teh Mustard (mustar).
  7. 1 sendok makan Dill Weed.
  8. 2 sendok makan Cuka Apel.
  9. 3 sendok makan Minyak Zaitun (Olive Oil).

Langkah Memasak Zucchini simple salad

  1. gunakan peeler untuk memotong tipis zucchini..
  2. campurkan minyak zaitun, cuka apel dan madu di wadah sedang hingga merata. aduk dan tambahkan garam, lada hitam. masukan zucchini dan campur kembali.
  3. bagi zucchini salad dalam empat piring, tambahkan keju feta diatasnya.. selamat menikmati...

To make simple sautéed zucchini, coins of zucchini are browned in a pan. The thing that makes Simple Sautéed Zucchini Recipe. I saw a table at the market the other night groaning under the. This zucchini noodle salad is perfect for taking to work or making ahead for dinner. And that's it — a low-carb, gluten-free, no-guilt salad that's hearty enough for dinner or simple enough for a quick lunch.

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