Avocado chicken salad Avocado chicken salad with avocado, chopped cooked chicken, apple, celery, and onion. This Healthy Greek Yogurt Avocado Chicken Salad recipe has no mayo and is packed full of nutritious ingredients! Easy Avocado Chicken Salad. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines.

Bahan Membuat Avocado chicken salad

  1. 3 buah avocado.
  2. 1 potong dada ayam, belah 2.
  3. 1 buah jagung manis(masak) sisir.
  4. 3 btg daun bawang Iris halus.
  5. 6 btg dill (herbal) iris halus.
  6. 1 /2 buah lemon diperas airnya.
  7. 3 sdm olive oil.
  8. 1 sdt lada hitam bubuk.
  9. 1/4 sdt garam/ secukupnya.

Langkah Memasak Avocado chicken salad

  1. Marinasi dada ayam dg lada hitam Dan garam lalu goreng setelahnya suwir2. Potong semua bahan yg lainnya.
  2. Campurkan air lemon, garam, lada Dan olive oil lalu campurkan kedalam salad lalu aduk rata..

PIN Low-Carb Chicken and Avocado Salad to try it later! This quick and easy chicken salad is made with the breast meat of a Rotisserie chicken, avocado, fresh tomatoes, basil and lemon juice. This Avocado Chicken Salad is loaded with so much flavor and made with healthy ingredients! It's delicious, satisfying and perfect for a light lunch, brunch or dinner! Add onion, celery, jalapeƱo, and chicken into the avocado mixture and stir to coat evenly.

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