Sayur kukus saus tzatkiki Tzatziki sauce is a Greek cucumber yogurt dip. It's a healthy sauce you can serve with chicken, grilled veggies, pita chips, gyros and as a This tzatziki sauce tied everything together. I pretty much drowned my chicken and smothered everything on my plate with it.

Bahan Membuat Sayur kukus saus tzatkiki

  1. Bahan kukus:.
  2. 1 buah wortel sedang, potong panjang.
  3. 1 kuntum brokoli kecil.
  4. 1 buah kentang ukuran sedang, potong panjang.
  5. 1 buah telur.
  6. Bahan saus:.
  7. 1 cup yogurt plain, saya pakai biokul plain kecil.
  8. 1 sdm olive oil.
  9. Secukupnya garam himalaya.
  10. Secukupnya lada hitam.
  11. Secukupnya daun dill.
  12. 1/2 buah timun jepang.

Langkah Memasak Sayur kukus saus tzatkiki

  1. Kukus telur, wortel dan kentang kurang lebih 10 - 15 menit (hingga empuk), lalu tambahkan brokoli dan kukus sampai matang.
  2. Membuat sausnya campurkan semua bahan di jar, kocok hingga rata. Koreksi rasa. Siap disajikan bersama sayuran..

Since Tzatziki contains finely-chopped cucumber, it's best to remove the seeds of the cucumber so the sauce doesn't get too watery. Tzatziki is a classic cucumber yogurt dill sauce that makes a refreshing dip or topping for gyros and pitas. Though fresh dill is the more common ingredient, tzatziki can also be made with fresh mint. The sauce can be served chilled or at room temperature, but be. Homemade Tzatziki Sauce - a refreshing and cool sauce made with yogurt, cucumber and dill, perfect for dipping, on gyros or an easy snack!

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