A delicious easy spaghetti bolognese recipe is a family classic and requires minimal effort for maximum reward. A layer of Bechamel gives Dave's baked pasta Bolognese decadent creaminess. Food Network shares how to make a roux, which is the base to thicken sauces and soups.
Bahan Membuat Baked spaghetti Bolognese with bechamel sauce by Mommy Nona
- 200 gram Spaghetti angel hair.
- Saos Bolognese (bisa liat di resep Saya Spaghetti Bolognaise).
- Bombay cincang halus.
- 300 ml susu uht.
- 100 gr keju cheddar di parut.
- 100 gr mozzarella parut.
- Merica halus.
- Oregano.
- 2 sdm terigu.
- 2 sdm Mentega.
- Garam.
Langkah Memasak Baked spaghetti Bolognese with bechamel sauce by Mommy Nona
- Rebus spaghetti hinggga aldente tambah kan 2sdm minyak goreng Dan 1sdt garam.
- Cara buat Saos Bechamel tumis bombay dengan mentega sampai harum dengan API kecil aja.
- Tambahkan 2sdm terigu aduk cepat masukan merica bubuk, oregano,garam.
- Lalu masukin keju cheddar parut aduk terus.
- Tuangkan susu perlahan2 sambil terus diaduk.
- Kalau sudah meletup2 kecil masukin mozzarella setengah Aja, setelah agak mengental Matikan API..
- Di tempat terpisah aduk spaghetti Dan saos Bolognaise. (Untuk resep saos Bolognese Ada di postingan resep Saya sebelum nya).
- Tata spaghetti Bolognese di loyang yg sudah di oles mentega tekan2 hingga padat..
- Lalu ratakan saos bechamel diatas Spaghetti sampe tertutup rata Dan terakhir taburkan sisa keju mozzarella nya. Bisa ditambahin parsley kalo Ada..
- Panaskan oven Dan panggang spaghetti sekitar 40mnit..
- Spaghetti siap di santap 😍.
Béchamel is a classic white sauce originating in France. Silky and creamy, this French-inspired dish of béchamel sauce is tossed with pasta, grilled chicken and topped with melted mozzarella. Make the béchamel sauce: In a heavy saucepan, melt butter until bubbly. Tomato Sauce - Today I'm using leftover of my basic homemade tomato sauce, sometimes I use a meat sauce too. Bechamel - this is by far the easiest sauce you can make.
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