Brownies Steam Instan These Instant Pot Brownies might be my favorite brownie recipe to date. Since these brownies are cooked with steam pressure, they also won't dry out or brown around the edges. Secure the Instant Pot lid and ensure the steam release valve is in the sealing position.

Bahan Membuat Brownies Steam Instan

  1. 1 sachet tepung brownies (saya pakai merk nutricake).
  2. 5 sdm air.
  3. 1 butir telur.
  4. 100 gr mentega cair.
  5. sesuai selera Topping (saya pakai messes coklat).

Langkah Memasak Brownies Steam Instan

  1. Masukkan tepung brownies ke dalam bowl, lalu campur dengan telur, mentega dan air. Aduk hingga merata. Lalu tuang ke dalam loyang/cetakan..
  2. Siapkan steamer/kukusan, kukus adonan brownies tadi sekitar 30 menit atau sampai adonan tidak lengket lagi..
  3. Setelah dingin, sajikan dengan aneka macam topping. Saya menggunakan messes coklat..
  4. Selamat mencoba..

I served it to Ray with ice cream. I couldn't believe it took an. We understand your excitement (we've been there too. Then spray your IP safe pan and then transfer the prepared brownie mix to an Instant Pot safe pan. Steaming on the stove is a gentle heat transfer method that eases your food into its cooked state, making it Steaming on the Stove Is Different From Steaming in the Instant Pot.

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