Cream soup macaroni A quick macaroni dish that makes use of mushroom soup and processed cheese. In medium saucepan over medium heat, combine butter, milk, mushroom soup and processed cheese. Creamy Macaroni Chicken Soup is a delicious creamy soup that is usually served during breakfast snacks.

Bahan Membuat Cream soup macaroni

  1. Daging ayam 250 gr (potong dadu).
  2. 50 gr Macaroni.
  3. Sosis ayam 3 buah (potong kecil).
  4. Secukupnya Frozen veggie (jagung, wortel green beans).
  5. 100 ml Susu UHT.
  6. Kaldu ayam blok 1 buah.
  7. 1/2 Bawang bombay.
  8. 1 Bawang merah.
  9. 1 Bawang putih.
  10. 1 sdt Merica bubuk.
  11. 1 sdt Tepung maizena.

Langkah Memasak Cream soup macaroni

  1. Rebus macaroni sampai setengah matang, tiriskan.
  2. Sangrai bawang yang telah dicincang, masukkan daging ayam dan sangrai sampai setengah matang.
  3. Tambahkan air 1 secukupnya, tunggu sampai mendidih.
  4. Masukkan sosis, macaroni rebus, dan sayuran.
  5. Beri kaldu blok dan merica bubuk, aduk rata.
  6. Tuangkan susu UHT, aduk rata tunggu sampai mendidih.
  7. Tambahkan larutan tepung maizena agar mengental.
  8. Macaroni cream soup siap disajikan.

Macaroni recipe with step by step pics. Macaroni is a variety of pasta and is used to make various The macaroni pasta is made in an onion-tomato masala and so the tangy taste of tomatoes is felt in. A wide variety of macaroni soup options are available to you, such as feature, material, and certification. Planning to introduce your baby to the classic & much-loved macaroni & cheese? The dressing is what makes this Macaroni Salad unique - with cream, curd, milk and mustard powder mixed well and tossed into the salad it adds a nice creamy texture to the dish.

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