Campbell's Condensed Cream of Chicken soup is a pantry staple in many households. This oh-so versatile soup forms a delicious base for so many recipes. I will show you how to make your own homemade condensed cream of chicken soup.
Bahan Membuat Chicken Cream Soup
- 1 buah wortel, potong kotak kecil.
- 1 buah kentang, potong kotak kecil.
- 1 buah jagung manis, pipil.
- 5 buah nugget ayam non MSG, goreng.
- 1 siung bawang putih, cincang halus.
- 1/2 siung bawang bombay, cincang kasar.
- 450 ml susu segar.
- 2 sdm maizena, larutkan.
- secukupnya seledri cincang.
- secukupnya garam.
- secukupnya merica.
- optional keju parut.
- secukupnya margarine.
Langkah Memasak Chicken Cream Soup
- Panaskan margarine, tumis bawang putih dan bawang bombay sampai harum.
- Masukkan wortel, sesaat kemudian masukkan jagung, dan terakhir masukkan kentang..
- Masukkan susu segar, garam, merica, masak hingga mendidih dan sayur cukup empuk..
- Tambahkan larutan maizena untuk mengentalkan, jika terlalu kental tambahkan air..
- Terakhir masukkan seledri & potongan nugget. Jika ingin rasa yang lebih gurih bisa ditambahkan taburan keju parut saat dihidangkan..
Use this soup in any recipe calling for condensed canned soup, or thin it out with some. This soup is not one of those; rather, it's a lovely, comforting blend of aromatic vegetables, butter, egg yolks, cream, fresh herbs and chicken. This soup makes little waste and, in a home where every. Most canned cream of chicken soups contain fillers, thickeners, and tons of hidden carbs. Not to mention gluten and other additives you don't want in your body.
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