Add the cream of mushroom soup, sour cream, white wine, and mushrooms to the slow cooker. I noticed some of the reviewers thought this was bland, so, I thought I would adjust the seasonings to be more flavorful. I doubled all components of the rub except for.
Bahan Membuat 4. Chicken Mushroom Cream Soup
- 250 gr fillet dada ayam iris dadu.
- 6 buah jamur kancing.
- Wortel iris dadu kecil.
- 1/2 butir bawang bombay.
- 2 buah bawang putih geprek iris kecil.
- 500 ml air.
- 250 ml cooking cream (merk anchor xtra yield).
- 30 gr tepung terigu (makin banyak makin kental).
- 1 sdm unsalted butter (merk anchor).
- 1 sdt Garam.
- 1 sdt lada bubuk.
- 1 sdm kaldu jamur (merk totole).
- 1 sdm parsley kering (bisa skip).
Langkah Memasak 4. Chicken Mushroom Cream Soup
- Panaskan teflon masukkan butter, bawang putih, bawamg bombay masak sampai harum.
- Masukkan wortel, fillet ayam dan air, masak sampai mendidih.
- Campurkan cooking cream dg terigu kemudian masukkan ke panci, kalau sudah mendidih masukkan jamur.
- Masukkan garam, lada, kaldu jamur.
- Test rasa dan sajikan dengan taburan parsley kering.
Though this chicken mushroom soup has a decadent dose of whipping cream, you can substitute with low fat milk, though the texture and flavor of the soup will be less rich and decadent. We've tried it with both and results a are always still delicious! For added flavor, use boneless chicken thighs or. Oh no, the creamy mushroom sauce for the chicken is totally homemade and is incredibly easy to make. When serving this homemade cream of mushroom chicken, I like to keep things simple by I avoid the canned cream of mushroom soup too and often just throw in a hunk of brie into.
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