Our Spaghetti Bolognese recipe is a classic and made with homemade Bolognese sauce and Plus, as you're making the delicious bolognese sauce yourself from scratch, you know exactly what's going. Everyone needs a basic spaghetti Bolognese recipe that still tastes great, no matter how simple. Get that depth of flavour by cooking the sauce very gently until it's super rich.
Bahan Membuat Spaghetti bolognese
- 500 gr spaghetti rebus dan tiriskan.
- 3 buah sosis dipotong sesuai selera.
- 150 gr daging giling.
- 1/2 bawang bombay iris.
- 5 bawang putih cincang halus.
- 200 gr saus tomat.
- Sesuai selera Gula, garam, lada bubuk.
- 1 sdm oregano.
- Secukupnya air.
Langkah Memasak Spaghetti bolognese
- Tumis bawang putih dan bawang bombay sampai layu, lalu masukkan sosis dan daging giling, aduk rata sampai matang..
- Masukkan saus tomat, aduk rata, lalu masukkan oregano, aduk..
- Masukkan secukupnya air, masukkan gula, garam, lada bubuk. Aduk rata dan jangan lupa tes rasa ya..
With our best ever spaghetti bolognese, we've perfected a true family favourite including tips on how to easily make it in a slow cooker. This recipe is the ultimate hearty midweek comfort food. You could also enjoy this Spaghetti Bolognese if you're dairy free. Please make sure to double or triple check all of your ingredients if you're cooking for people with allergies. Reviews for: Photos of Spaghetti Bolognese.
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