Vegetable fried rice super pedas😍 Vegetable fried rice recipe, a quick fast food one pot dish can be easily prepared at home in easy steps. Learn how to make with step by step pictures. The thing I like about Fried rice is the flavour.

Bahan Membuat Vegetable fried rice super pedas😍

  1. 2 piring nasi putih (keadaan dingin, tidak hangat dari magic com, sebaiknya di kipas kipas dulu bila baru dari magic com).
  2. 7 butir cabai rawit setan(potong serong).
  3. 5 butir bawang merah(potong slice).
  4. 3 butir bawang putih(potong slice).
  5. 1 buah wortel uk sedang (potong dadu kecil kecil).
  6. secukupnya kol (potong biasa).
  7. 1 batang daun bawang (potong biasa).
  8. 1/8 bawang bombay (potong kotak kotak).
  9. 4 buah bakso (potong sesuai selera).
  10. 1 sdt garam.
  11. 2 sdt msg.
  12. 1/2 sdm gula pasir.

Langkah Memasak Vegetable fried rice super pedas😍

  1. Potong bahan bahan sesuai petunjuk tsb atau sesuai selera..
  2. Tumis bawang merah, bawang putih, dan cabai. Beri bumbu (garam, msg, dan gula) kemudian masukkan sayuran(kol, wortel, daun bawang, bombay) tumis hingga agak layu. Setelah itu, masukkan nasi dan aduk hingga rata. Matikan kompor dan sajikan dipiring bersama telur goreng, bisa juga kerupuk. Selamat mencoba!😚.

This Vegetable Fried Rice can be made quickly and is a great way to add veggies to your kids meals. This delicious Vegetable Fried Rice can be whipped up in less than fifteen minutes and can easily be adapted to suit your little one's taste buds. Is fried rice the best or is fried rice the best? This weeknight beauty is loaded with your veggies of choice *squeal* and made extra super nummy with a nice drizzle of rich sesame oil, a splash of saltiness from the soy sauce, gently scrambled soft + clingy eggs that stick in and around the rice. veg fried rice recipe is popular Indo-Chinese recipe loaded with vegetables. Easy Vegetable Fried Rice Recipe, how to make veg fried rice.

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