Strawbery Tart Chocolate For the chocolate tart crust, do you use sweetened or unsweetened coconut? A shortbread cookie crust serves as the base of this luscious Strawberry-Chocolate Truffle Tart where the bright red gems. This Strawberry Chocolate Tart is filled with whipped vegan chocolate ganache and topped with fresh strawberries in a chocolate crust.

Bahan Membuat Strawbery Tart Chocolate

  1. 300 gram strawbery.
  2. 200 ml whippy cream.
  3. 300 gram oreo krim putih.
  4. 100 gram butter lelehkan.
  5. 200 gram milk chocolate ( cadfury ato delfi ato sesuai selera.
  6. 100 gram dark chocolate ( aku pke compound).
  7. Loyang 12x36 ( karna ga punya jadi aku pake tempat macaroni schotel hehe).

Langkah Memasak Strawbery Tart Chocolate

  1. Blender oreo dan butter yg sdh dilelehkan.
  2. Masukan ke dalam cetakan lalu padatkan dan masukan kulkas.
  3. Potong2 smua cokelat dan simpan dalam wadah.
  4. Panaskan whipping cream ( sampai panas aja yah) lalu tuang ke dalam cokelat dan aduk hingga tercampur rata.
  5. Tuang adonan cokelat ke dalam oreo dan hiasi dengan strawbery lalu masukan ke dalam kulkas min 2jam ato semalaman.
  6. Taburi dengan kacang almond apabila ada dan sajikan😊.

Dessert chocolate cake with fresh strawberry. Roll out dough and press into pan. The Strawberry Chocolate Tart recipe out of our category Berry Cake! These homemade strawberry pop-tarts are made with an easy, flaky, buttery pastry crust, filled with a I never reached for the Strawberry Pop-Tarts as a kid. Pass me the chocolate, the cookies 'n.

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