Banoffe pie This will make the thick dulce de leche pourable. This Banoffee Pie is a magical tri-layer confection of bananas, toffee and whipped cream that will send your taste buds into an overdrive. Easy, excellent No-Bake Banoffee Pie Recipe.

Bahan Membuat Banoffe pie

  1. biskuit regal (tumbuk).
  2. oreo (tumbuk).
  3. haan wippy cream.
  4. 200 ml air dingin.
  5. pisang sunpride.
  6. dulce de leche.
  7. 200 gr gula putih.
  8. 100 gr mentega.
  9. 125 ml susu kental manis.
  10. sejumput beri garam.

Langkah Memasak Banoffe pie

  1. Siapkan untuk membuat dulce de leche. aduk terus gula dan mentega ketika sudah mulai larut siapkan air dengan kuas basahi pinggir2 nya agar caramelnya tidak gosong, jika sudah kecokatan masukan susu kental manis, beri garam aduk terus hingga mengental.
  2. Tumbuk biskuit regal dan oreo (cream putihnya pisahin ya) hingga bubuk, taburi margarin cair aduk hingga menyatu.
  3. Mixer whipcream beri air dingin dan masukan cream oreo.
  4. Layer pertama regal yg sudah di remukan, layer ke2 tata pisang, layer ke3 taburi dulce de leche, layer ke4 taruh whipcream, layer ke5 taburi oreo, layer ke6 tata lagi pisangnya, ke7 dulche de leche lagi, ke8 taburi regal terhair tutup lagi dengan whipcrem dan taburkan coco bubuk di atasnya.

It's the easiest, quickest, most superb no-bake pie you'll ever make! Then, place graham crackers, almonds, and hazelnuts in a sealed bag and beat them into small pieces with a rolling pin. Felicity Cloake: Are you a fan of banoffee pie, or does it make your teeth ache just to think of it? And where do you stand on the great biscuit v pastry base debate? Here's my take on Banoffee Pie which seems to have escaped the notice of North Americans but it is Banoffee Pie.

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