Decorated to look like a log, with bark, stumps and cocoa-dusted meringue mushrooms Cookies or cake, usually baked by my mother, would be served. For the grownups, black tea in a round-bellied, chocolate-colored teapot, kept warm in a blue tea cosy my mother had sewn.
Bahan Membuat Tart cake for my mother 😘😊
- 260 gram Tepung terigu.
- 130 gram Gula pasir.
- 2 butir telur ayam.
- 100 ml Santan kental.
- 200 gram Cokelat blok leleh.
- 1 sdt Baking powder.
- 1/2 sdt Vanili.
- 1 sdm SP.
- 1/4 sdt Garam.
- 90 gram Susu bubuk.
- 1 gelas belimbing Minyak goreng.
- pelengkap :.
- Butter cream cokkat.
- Misis.
- Keju parut.
- Biskuit oreo.
- Crekers cokelat.
- cococruch cokelat.
- Madu TJ.
- selai strowberry.
Langkah Memasak Tart cake for my mother 😘😊
- Kocok telur, gula dan sp serta vanili hingga mengembang..
- Setelah itu masukkan campuran susu bubuk, garam, baking powder dan tepung terigu pada kocokan telur, aduk menggunakan spatula..
- Masukkan coklat leleh, minyak dan santan aduk secara melipat sampai tercampur rata..
- Masukkan adonan cake dalam cetakan bersusun, ratakan lalu kukus kurang lebih 10 menit satu persatu, lakukan hingga adonan cake abis..
- Setelah cake didinginkan, hias kuenya, tiap lapisnya beri madu dan selai stroberi, kemudian lapisi dengan butter cream coklat..
- Kemudian hiaslah kue sesuai selera dan kreasi anda 😊.
- Saya buat 2 buah cake, 1 cake buah temen - temen kerja..
A cream tart cake is a beautifully decorated pastry that can be made into virtually any shape including letters or numbers to celebrate any occasion. These tarts are typically decorated with a variety of fruits, macarons, and flowers for a show-stopping alternative to a layer cake. Either known as Cream Tart, Number Cake or Alphabet Cake this dessert is simply impressive. Very easy to prepare and looks quite astonishing. Cookie layers filled with your favorite frosting and decorated with fresh berries, flowers and even macarons seems to be one of the cakes in trend this.
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